Project Details

Dropcap Website

ASP.Net Core MS SQL API HTML5 CSS Bootstrap


Drocap stands as an ingenious digital platform meticulously designed to catapult the realm of Translation Rights Sales within the literary domain. At the heart of this visionary undertaking lies a robust .Net Core 3.1 WebAPI Project, elegantly harnessed to orchestrate a symphony of APIs that seamlessly traverse the virtual landscape.

In tandem with this architectural masterpiece, an artful .Net Core MVC project graces the forefront, fashioning an immersive and captivating frontend experience. The harmonious choreography between these elements unfurls as we invoke the APIs through Ajax, a dynamic dance of data exchange that enlivens the user's journey.

As guardians of security, we've employed a dual sentinel approach, fusing the prowess of JWT (JSON Web Token) and the reliability of Cookies-based Authentication. These twin fortresses stand as sentinels of user authentication, granting access with a sophisticated balance of modern cryptographic techniques and established web mechanisms.

In a landscape where innovation converges with tradition, Drocap's technological tapestry, woven with the threads of .Net Core mastery and cutting-edge methodologies, sets the stage for an elevated paradigm in the realm of Translation Rights Sales.

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